This cross represents liberation from the suffering that I was experiencing for so long. The dove represents God’s presence in my life as a new light that has taken me from the darkness. This light is giving me life again. M.R.
My life before I got to the House of Peace was full of fear, anxiety, insecurity, much sadness, and even terror due to a relationship that was very toxic.
I lived through a relationship with somebody that was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I felt alone all the time. I felt like if I was dying. M.R.
Living at the House of Peace has been a wonderful experience that has filled me spiritually. The first step into my healing was to live in a place where my children and I felt safe. I decided I wanted to free myself from all the traumas that I went through. For the first time I was able to share my story with somebody that could help me. The Phoenix Group taught me many lessons that I needed to learn about myself and how to live a healthy life. M.R.
My resurrection means that I have learned to believe in myself again. I feel liberated. I have encountered God. I can value my family now. I want to understand my children better and to be more patient with them. I choose now to be joyful each and every day. M.R.