A Flower in the Swamp
The flower represents my story. I chose a flower that floats in the swamp surrounded by leaves and thorns. These thorns have touched and wounded the flower…but the flower still has life and beauty. Finding hope in my life means that I know that I will continue to live and bloom again and again despite of the thorns in my way. E.F.
Finally I have taken the blindfold from my eyes and I can realize how unhappy I was with my life. Finally, I can say that there is life after this dark tunnel. I stayed in the dark tunnel for fear of not being able to move forward alone and with my children. E.F.
When I arrived at the House of Peace I could feel the blessing of finding the goodness of others. Doors were opened for my children and me. At that moment, I was able to understand that God has never abandoned us. I could see la misericordia of God in each person. E.F.